Saturday, July 2, 2011

A cup of tea solves everything

These days I am preparing for my exams and eagerly waiting to get done with them. No, not to start my vacation but to welcome a whole set of new reading-writing assignments. Unlike my college years in India when I always had the company of some friends to study/work with and socialise over road side food (AND TEA), today its mostly me and the home made cup of tea. 

Over the years, I have come to develop a great love for chai (tea). With the affinity have also come distinct preferences. I know now, I always like sweet and strong chai, cooked only in the Indian style with creamy milk, ginger and lemon grass. I just could not develop an appreciation for coffee. I tried.Whether or not you love chai as much as I do, you gotto see this adventure travel blog, Chai Pilgrimage. In my life time, I promise to go on a soul-searching yatra (journey) such as this one. What do you want to do?

In the picture below, PaSha is relishing on Thepla and Chai. Thepla is a regional speciality from Gujarat, India. It is a delicious indian bread, made of wheat and spices; Thepla tastes better after dunking it in chai. Sad, we ran out of our home made Thepla stock. So for now, I know a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit will help me overcome the stress of an examination. 

Soon, more will come from my side. However, when you comment this time, please do at least one of the following:
1. Share your chai recipe
2. Write about the occasions you ought to have chai
3. Mention briefly about one person who you like having a chai with and why



  1. I completely agree that a cup of tea solves everything. I am a big chai (tea) fan and I can drink tea probably with any of my meals, but my personal favorite is in the morning with theplas, rotis, parathas, khakhras, breads and butter, and even plain toast.
    Also a cup of tea after a days work helps me feel completely rejuvinated.
    I too love the indian style tea with creamy milk, ginger, lemon grass and my personal addition to it is fresh mint that I grow in my garden (i can almost smell tea also when i m writing about it).
    Also i love to have tae in my garden almost in any season on my favorite swing with my mom talking over past days or planning about future events. Tea with my mom always makes me feel fresh n relieves me of almost anything and everything in my mind.

  2. Replies
    1. namaste Mamta! i love to have chai with my husband and best friend, Patrick, outside in the garden or next to the woodstove. my name is Jenny of Chai Pilgrimage, who you linked to from your sweet post. we are so happy to share that our book is nearly ready for printing! --this Fall-- and we just launched a kickstarter campaign to raise printing costs by preselling the book. please check it out and share (if you like) with anyone who might appreciate it! :) jenny

  3. i like to have chai wid mum and dad ....and i love making elaichi wali chai ....i love the smell of cardamom dream is to have chai at the foothills of Himalaya in leh ladakh in absolute cold with tons of chai that i would need to save me ......:)

  4. I have always enjoyed the combination of Tea n Parle-G biscuits.Usually at home on a Sunday evening (tea n biscuits actually define the beginning of an evening)
    During Monsoons its the tapri wali chai n onion pakode - nothin like it..this is best with any set of friends.. its like a bonding factor.
    Talking about Tea reminds me of the Zakir Hussain's 1990s ad. that i grew up seeing (see the link below)
